moore8活动海报-智能硬件是下一个风口?(黄江吉 小米联合创始人)

智能硬件是下一个风口?(黄江吉 小米联合创始人)

2016/01/28 19:00 - 2016/01/28 21:30

广东省广州市天河路299号天河体育中心,中侨会餐厅二楼 E Coffee


moore8活动海报-智能硬件是下一个风口?(黄江吉 小米联合创始人)

智能硬件是下一个风口?(黄江吉 小米联合创始人)

2016/01/28 19:00 - 2016/01/28 21:30

广东省广州市天河路299号天河体育中心,中侨会餐厅二楼 E Coffee




moore8活动海报-智能硬件是下一个风口?(黄江吉 小米联合创始人)

黄江吉,小米科技联合创始人,毕业于美国普渡大学Purdue University。 1997年-2010年曾就职于Microsoft。在14年的微软职业生涯里, 在西雅图总部负责微软商务服务产品Biztalk的高性能数据分析系统和自动物流分布系统。后在微软中国负责Windows Mobile,Windows Phone 7的多媒体播放器,浏览器和即时通讯部分。


KK WONG,co-founder of Xiaomi Technology,graduated from Purdue University with a bachelor degree in computer science. KK spend 14 years in Microsoft from 1997 to 2010, and built the data analysis system and workflow system of Biztalk (a Microsoft B2B product) in Seattle, then responsible for the media player, browser and instant messaging in Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 in Microsoft China.

In 2010, KK co-founded Xiaomi with Lei-Jun (CEO) and partners. Now KK is mainly responsible for Cloud platform, Mi Router and the IOT platform in Xiaomi.


This is an CHINESE interview, but as always is a bilingual event. We'll have a live crowdsourced translation of the speaker.

活动时间与地点 Time and Venue


地点:天河路299号天河体育中心,中侨会餐厅二楼 E Coffee

交通:地铁 Metro


Exit C, Metro Line 1, Ti Yu Zhong Xin Station, Guangzhou

活动日程 Agenda:

19:00pm 签到,社交环节和简餐 | Networking and Food

20:00pm 炉边访谈 | Fireside Chat

21:00pm 问答交流,社交环节 | Networking

门票及付费方式 Fee | Pay Online 在线支付

1)提前网上购票优惠:请提前在 “活动行” 本页面支付门票,只需60元

Please pre-pay online for a discount 60RMB


90RMB at the door

注:门票费用包括点心简餐和饮料 Fees Includes food and drinks


StartupGrind GZ is made possible by:

E Coffee

CCiC 创业孵化器

6CIT 创业孵化器

创业广州社区 StartupGZ


广州市科学技术协会 Guangzhou Science & Tech Association

广州智能工程研究会 Guangzhou Intelligent Engineering Society

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